17 July 2013

Tourists in Madrid

Last Wednesday we went to the Royal Palace to ask some questions to foreigner that were visiting Madrid.
At first it was a little shameful, but after a few questions it was great.We ask them about 10 things that make Spain very popular (5 of them were related with food and the other 5 were Spanish traditions). They had to say how much they like these things by rating them from 1 to 5, being 1 the worst and 5 the best. 

We interviewed 15 people of  diferents countries.
                                               British       (2)
                                               French       (1)
                                               Argentina  (2)
                                               Usa            (2)
                                               Philipines  (1)
                                               Brazil        (1)
                                               Australia   (1)
                                               S.Corea     (1)
                                               China        (4)

They all had different opinions but the majority of them had in common that Spain has a lot of good things like the beaches, the wine... But they also shared that most of them didn't like bullfigths.

When we came back to class we put all the data in common. We ordered the information and compared the results.

Beaches are the favourite place for tourists visiting Spain because they like the Spannish sun. All the people from all the countries like the beach. They  think  that is one of the best thing things. That is the reason because a lot of people from other countries come to spain.

Terrazas are another place foreigners love. They are favourites for French, Argentina, USA, Brazil, South Korea and China.

Tapas is greatly appreciated by tourists with a total of points of 4 (1-5). The people that like tapas the most come from Argentina, Philipines, Brazil and Australia; and those who like it the least come from France and South Korea.

Tortilla has also obtained 4 out of 5 points. The highest score comes from France, Philipines, Brazil and Australia. And the lowest score comes from Argentina, with 2 points out of 5.

Paella is an example of Spanish meal for the world but it doesn't look very appreciated.
Some people thought that it is salty. In our list of ten traditions and food in Spain it obtained the fifth best mark with an average puntuation of 4.2 out of 5. But it's because of our neighbours the Europe why it doesn't have a higher score. British punctuated it with a 3.5 and French with 2 out of 5. Countries that liked it the best were USA, Argentina, Brazil and Australia.

Jamon Serrano is the nicest one in our list but it obtained the 7th place with a total mark of 3.6. As Spanish we think it should be more valorated but it is because Americans and French that it has obtained this low mark. 

Bullfighting is a popular activity in Spain but people that visit the country don't like it too much. Out of ten things or traditions of Spanish culture, it was the least liked however there are some countries that really like it such asAustralia and South Korea. People think that it is a cruel activity because not only the bull is killed but also tortured, however they don't also know the good life bulls have before going into the bullfighting ring. 

To finish our interviews, we asked about wine. Tourists consider it a very popular drink. It is ranked in the third place but there are some people that don't  like it such as French people.

By S.Z.
How to get there

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